General Information

Name Théo Saulus
Email tsaulus at stanford dot edu
Languages spoken French, English, German

Research experience

  • 4/2023 - 9/2023
    Research intern
    Yoshua Bengio's group, Mila, Québec, Canada
    • Amortized Bayesian causal modeling and application to single-cell biology, supervised by Prof. Yoshua Bengio.
    • Funded by Mila.
  • 9/2022 - 3/2023
    Visiting student researcher
    Gentles Lab, Stanford University, California, USA
    • Multi-scale machine learning for degenerative disease profiling, supervised by Prof. Andrew Gentles.
    • Funded jointly by the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Gentles Lab.
  • 2/2022 - 4/2022
    Statistician intern
    Signals and Systems Laboratory (L2S), Paris-Saclay, France
    • Identification of bacteria of the microbiota explaining kidney transplant rejection, supervised by Prof. Arthur Tenenhaus.
    • Funded by L2S.
  • 6/2021 - 7/2021
    Research assistant intern
    French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Paris-Saclay, France
    • Testing of a non-destructive eddy current sensor and electromagnetic simulations, supervised by Dr. Denis Premel.
  • 9/2019 - 6/2020
    Subsurface ocean of Jupiter’s moon modeling
    Lycée Sainte-Geneviève & ENS Paris, France
    • Set up a downscaled experiment to model the fluid dynamics of subsurface oceans of Jupiter’s moon Europa, using liquid metal and magnets, supervised by Prof. Véronique Mesnil.


  • 2020 - 2024
    Engineering Master's degree (Diplôme d'ingénieur) - Applied Mathematics and Data Science
    CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay, France
  • 2023 - 2024
    Research Master's degree - Mathematics, Computer Vision, Machine Learnig (MVA)
    École Normale Supérieure, Paris-Saclay, France
    • Alongside my engineering studies, to continue towards a research curriculum.
    • Master MVA is considered as a reference for machine learning studies in France (Le Monde)
  • 2020 - 2021
    Bachelor's degree in Philosophy
    Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
    • Alongside my scientific studies, entering in third year of the Bachelor’s degree and graduating in one year only.
    • Curriculum includes metaphysics, history and philosophy of science, logics, political philosophy, Indian philosophy.
  • 2017 - 2020
    Preparatory classes to French Grandes Écoles (CPGE) - Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry
    Lycée Sainte-Geneviève/Ginette, Versailles, France
    • Intensive undergraduate-level training program for the national entrance exams to French scientific Grandes Écoles.
    • Lycée Sainte-Geneviève is considered as one of the very best CPGE in France (L'Etudiant, Le Figaro).
    • Broad curriculum focused on physics, mathematics and chemistry, with an exposure to programming, philosophy and English.

Other work experience

  • 1/2021 - 5/2022
    Student expert
    High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES), France
    • Participating in evaluation committees of engineering schools for the HCÉRES, conducting staff interviews, assessing activity reports, writing public accounts.
  • 1/2021 - 5/2021
    Telemarketing agent
    CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay, France
    • Phoning companies to convince them to sponsor and contribute to CentraleSupélec's development.
  • 9/2019 - present
    Private teacher
    • Private lessons for undergraduate students preparing their competitive exams for the entrance to Grandes Écoles (equivalent to a 2nd year of a Bachelor's degree), in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and philosophy methodolgy.

Volunteering experience

  • 2/2023 - present
    Data for Good, France
  • 2/2022 - present
    Elected student member of the Academic Board
    Université Paris-Saclay, France
  • 11/2022 - 12/2022
    Splash Teacher
    Stanford Splash, California, USA
  • 10/2021 - 2/2022
    Team member for international collaborations
    Polimi Data Scientists, Milan, Italy
  • 9/2020 - 10/2021
    IEEE Paris-Saclay student branch, France
  • 9/2020 - 10/2021
    Project manager in the networking department
    National Board of French Engineering Students (BNEI), France
  • 9/2017 - 6/2018
    Weekly visitor
    Foyer Saint-Louis, Versailles, France

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    iGEM Gold Medal
    • Member of the Evry-Paris-Saclay team for iGEM 2023 international synthetic biology competition.
    • Awarded world best Hardware, Gold medal, and nominated for world best Software.
  • 2022
    France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies fellowship
    • Sponsors and provides funding for high quality research projects likely to foster new linkages and deepen existing connections between French scholars and students and their counterparts at Stanford University.
    • 8 recipients nationwide
  • 2021
    CentraleSupélec Alumni Association award
    • Rewards dedication to community service and academic excellence.
    • 15 recipients among 4700 students
  • 2021
    European Erasmus+ scholarship
    • Providing financial support for academic exchanges (in Italy and Germany in my case).
  • 2020
    CentraleSupélec Occitanie-Méditerranée fellowship
    • Rewards the best project aiming at preservating the industrial, ecological or cultural heritage of the Occitanie-Méditerranée region, its coastline, or more generally the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 2017
    Provence region scholarship
    • Merit scholarship for outstanding students from the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region.
  • 2016
    Cicero national Latin translation contest
    • Listed among the laureates, high-school category.

Other projects

  • 4/2022 - 7/2022
    Pollution from jeans production
    Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  • 9/2021 - 1/2022
    Bayesian modeling for a corpus of documents
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • 9/2020 - 7/2021
    Underwater drone swarm simulation
    CentraleSupélec & Thales Defence Mission Systems, France
  • 9/2019 - 6/2020
    Subsurface ocean of Jupiter’s moon modeling
    Lycée Sainte-Geneviève & ENS Paris, France
  • 9/2018 - 7/2019
    Study of preferential transfers in porous media
    Lycée Sainte-Geneviève & Agro ParisTech, France